In exchange for removing an unpermitted, large cargo storage container, a “loft storage” addition above an “existing” garage was allowed to be built as part of a resolution agreement proposed by the Houys and accepted by the Town/DEP. It appears that the Houys were being rewarded for disregarding the shoreland zoning ordinances again. Mr. Houy had been a selectman for over seven years and should have been familiar with Town ordinances regarding the cargo container. Besides not abiding by their building application permit and deconstructing the entire existing garage and enlarging its footprint, the construction involved significant excavation and the filling of concrete (two cement trucks) within 50 feet of a great pond. This resolution somehow made it okay to harm the environment further and unbelievably, there was discussion about issuing an after the fact permit (PBR) by DEP/Mr. Kalinich.
The pictures below show that an entirely new structure was built, not on top of the existing garage, but around it. Essentially a new two story structure was built while deconstructing the old garage. After notifying CEO Brenda Charland, we were told that they were abiding by their building permit. The information presented below does not support the CEO’s decision.
Established rules should apply to all residents equally; and in my opinion, former and current Selectman should be held to an even higher standard.
Below is a letter from the CEO to DEP stating the project limitations. The CEO stated “There will be no expansion to the structure in footprint. Just giving loft storage”
Below is the response we received from DEP, which confirms that the Houys did not have a permit from DEP:
Below is the letter we sent to the CEO regarding excavation and new cement foundation:
The following images clearly show that the construction performed far exceeded the scope of the permit, which was to simply add a “2nd floor to the existing garage”
Before construction.
Notice the new foundation wraps around the back of the garage.
Most people would called this an expansion!!
Second cement truck delivery. Notice the new outer foundation is already present.
Excavating next to the new foundation. Preparing for future hook up to their 1 bedroom septic system.
Deconstructing the existing garage, while building a new two story structure in a new location.
The new “loft storage” addition below.
Most people would agree that this is much more than loft storage!!
Before and after pictures:
A second floor was not added to their existing garage, as stated in their application. Instead, a new structure was built around the existing one. Essentially, an entirely new structure was constructed!
Note they indicated that excavation was not applicable.
Note that the design flow is only suitable for a one bedroom, single family dwelling.
Previous owner was denied a one bedroom expansion above the garage…… I guess he should have said he was building a “loft storage” addition.
Settlement agreement after Houy violation in 2011.